Eden Bower —
Originated in the famous Barossa region in South Australia, grapevines thrive in cool climate with warm sunshine and sufficient rainy season. The picturesque Eden Valley nurtures high-quality grape fruits. Brand story inspired by the classical poem “Eden Bower”, created by British poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Eden Bower delineated a prosperous garden scene.
起源于南澳大利亚著名的巴罗萨产区,经过温暖阳光的洗礼,凉爽气候的抚摩,充足雨水的滋润,如诗如画的伊顿谷培育出优质细腻的葡萄果实。品牌灵感来自于英国诗人但丁·加布里埃尔·罗塞蒂的诗篇 “Eden Bower”,其侧面渲染的神话伊甸园凉亭的宜人景色。
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Wine Product & Culture
The grape fruits are carefully picked, then brewed by the winemakers to create the extraordinary wine body that carries rich fruity aroma.